신예진 |
SHIN Yejin |
감독 (Director)
보고 I Report (Director, Documentary Feature, 2022) |
고려대학교 미디어학부 학생. 휴학 후 전 세계 45개국 180여개 도시를 여행하며 다큐멘터리로 전 세계와 소통하는 매력을 느꼈다. 다큐멘터리가 가진 힘으로 세상과 함께 성장하기를 꿈꾼다. |
She is a student majoring in media at Korea University. Taking a gap year, she traveled to more than 180 cities in 45 countries around the world. After this journey, she was attracted to communicating with the world through documentaries. She dreams of growing up in the world with the power of documentaries. |